Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Call to Men “Ending Violence Against Women” Essay Example

A Call to Men â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† Essay Example A Call to Men â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† Essay A Call to Men â€Å"Ending Violence Against Women† Essay A call to men â€Å"Ending Violence against Women† Ted Bunch is the co-founder of A CALL TO MEN: The National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence against Women. Ted Bunch addresses NCC students and faculty about the domestic and sexual violence prevention and the promotion of healthy manhood. Mr. Bunch talks about the â€Å"the Man Box â€Å"where he showed images of athletes, rappers, wrestlers, cops, Etc. He stated that men are restricted, confined, and boxed in. Not all men fit this description. Men are part of the solution and part of the problem. Bunch discuss The Socialization of Men, that men are taught to view women as having less value than men and treating them as property, and how men aren’t suppose to cry or openly express emotions with the exception of anger. He also talked about (Heterosexist) men often say do not be like a â€Å"gay man† stating that men should not part take in feminine activities. There are times I often see women constantly getting abuse by their boyfriends/ husbands out in public and no one stopping them. One day when I was out hanging out with friends I saw a couple arguing by the park, I watch this woman get verbally abuse by this guy, then all of a sudden the guy hit her. Me and my friends approached the couple told the man to back off; when the guy left we called 911 cause the woman was really hurt. Its hard for women to say what they know men should do-because men will hear the message differently whether its coming from a man or woman. All men are not perpetrators of domestic violence, it does clearly exist and it’s important to learn how sexism, male dominance and male privilege lay the foundation for all forms of violence against women. Having a education for all high school and university students and faculty against sexual and domestic violence will help such actions from happening.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Discovering of Puerto RIco essays

The Discovering of Puerto RIco essays The Discovering of Puerto Rico? Can this be any be more ironic. Boriquen was the name given to what we today call Puerto Rico and it was already discovered by Arawak Indians. So why do we date the discovery only when the Europeans came into the picture, 1493. Most of us are aware of what the European did to the native Indians and how the brought over the Africans and inslaved them. If we could go back time we would have wished things had been dault in a different, more peaceful way. But since we cant go back in time we have to accept that now we are who we are because of those events. And since we cant change the past we should try our best to change the future by not being prejudice. On Christopher Columbus 2nd voyage he brought 17 ships, about 1200 men, stores for round trip voyage of 6 months. Also seeds, plants, animals, tools for agriculture and construction. Obvious that Spain intended to colonize not just explore. But the most important things they brought was language that today is still spoke, religion that is still practice and a way of remembering this of years and years gone by, written history. When he sailed out of Cadiz September 1493, and made a stop at the Canary Islands in October, those who joined him on the second voyage probably had no idea how they would change, and there great great grandkids would be part Dominica was the first of many island that would be discovered found for the first time by European. Followed by Mariegalante, Les Saintes, Desirade, Guadeloupe, Monserrat, Antigua, St. Martin, St. Croix, and the Virgin Islands name after the mythical story of St. Ursula and the 11,000 virgins that were killed by the Hauns when they were visiting the holy shrines of France, Spain, and, Portugal. The first sign for a what we ...